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joblesshobo • 1 year ago

Bell probably the type of guy that never loot anything in Skyrim, everything is crafted or bought from merchant.

kemirgen • 1 year ago

That's a good challenge-run idea for Skyrim, might try it :)

SIN Scallar • 1 year ago

The Bell honor run.

Itinerate • 1 year ago

Everybody's got honour until they hear the chilling shriek of Thomas The Tank Engine's whistle calling them asunder as he manifests Coal Carts to reign down upon you.

shoyu • 1 year ago

Bro that's like trying to play GTA without breaking the traffic rules.

Testarossa • 1 year ago

Man this episode is so heart warming and tearing somehow

Phillip Brooker • 1 year ago

Yeah. I'm glad Welf didn't decide to ruin the mood with his speech by naming the sword before the episode ended.

Dizzy • 1 year ago

As the merchant I can confirm Bell has never looted anything and has always got his resources from me

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

Skyrim and Fallout are essentially the epitome that everything dies in a hard world and get by on what the dead left behind. It's so true. Bet Starfield will be like that but in space with different alien races most likely. LoL.

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

That creates strong people. In Danmachi, the common rabble soil their undergarments over seeing a cute, little vouivre. In Skyrim, the vampire hunters are the ones walking around town with armored trolls in tow, so you're either taking your chances with the vampires or the trolls. If you're too cowardly for either, zero-sum yourself.

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

Skyrim essentially "Necromancers, necromancers everywhere!" I mean I took that there was no good paths in Skyrim. It's also as bad as the Witcher on every path leads to a bad outcome. Least Danmachi there is good outcomes. LoL.

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

Same deal. If you wanna walk around with a procession of corpses doing Michael Jackson's Thriller, feel free to do that, too.

Episode • 1 year ago

I get that this is a joke but I'll still be a bit serious anyway. I think that looting dead adventurers is, while not illegal, still an unspoken taboo. Looting an adventurer might mean disrespecting them in their world so that's why the idea of looting someone was not very pleasant for him.

Furthermore, I feel like the LN would have a better explanation for this but it was just unfortunately not adapted in the anime. But then again, this is all just armchair theory.

Kevin Sears • 2 months ago

the dungeon is their Grave... looting them makes them graverobbers... but returning their belongings to their familia and burying the remains is the proper way to handle this, with their weapon as a headstone.
when one can manage it, one brings the remains to a safe zone for burial

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

And yet he still clears shit like it’s nothing

Bell Cranel • 1 year ago

Fr, but it's all due to the power of THICC PLOT( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

Ayo wait I just realized it’s bell

Is that how it’s done? Well I guess Ais drives the OP skill and fire bolt came from you know who so…

You’re right

Man I can’t wait for the next episode

TheAbyssWalker • 1 year ago

Kaguya : When all's said and done. Concept such a justice are merely tools of convenience. A weapon used to justify a cause. A blank check written to warrant violence.

That's some deep philosophical real world shit

go1 • 1 year ago

"When our guard is down
I think we'll both agree
That violence breeds violence
But in the end it has to be this way"
You gotta defend if you're attacked.

Dazed • 1 year ago

“Life must be understood backward. But it must be lived forward .”

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

*jackie chan mind blown meme*

olberic eisenberg • 1 year ago

*insert mind blown meme*

Vii X • 1 year ago

I can only imagine the raw power that Bell could bring out of that new sword... Gives me shivers.

Justin Posey • 1 year ago

That new sword i believe is drawn only to Welf. it will remain shatter proof in its makers hands... plus bell already has his fireball and the knife that consumes his magic and lets it all out when he strikes.

Berstich • 1 year ago

Isnt Welfs bloodline that whole fire spirit thing? Should be the whole point of the red smoke lines and such right? As long as hes using it should be good.

Kinda cheating though.

Admin • 1 year ago

Just kinda. It still cost mana to use it, so in a drawn out battle Welf's sword is useless unless he has other people besides him as well.

Berstich • 1 year ago

They didnt really say, maybe next episode, wonder how good it is just as a sword.

Ironpelt • 1 year ago

Not really regular magisword and Crozzo Magiswords usu last alot longer than Welf's with the trade off being more dmg output.

Kevin Sears • 2 months ago

... Justice that is blind, that punishes all wrongdoing equally, that is a worthy arbiter of justice...
but when justice is not applied equally, for example, if one person is allowed to break 43 national crimes without being persecuted for them, yet they and their cohorts accuse, Falsely, another of breaking those same crimes, and that person is forced to prove innocence, not just the burden of proof, which is reasonable doubt... that's when Justice becomes Tyranny

trumps proven himself innocent on 89/93 charges laid out so far, with 4 still running through courts. everything from Russia collusion, proven false(but Hunter took money from Russia, as well as China, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia) to the quid pro quo phonecall (call records proved that false, but Joe Brags about getting the prosecuter after Hunter for snorting crack out of a 14yr olds crack fired to protect his son as VP) Trump allegedly lied about the value of his home in a loan, but isn't the banks appraiser the one to blame here? not that Trump didn't pay the loan off, because he did.
even the "insurrection" which happened 15 minutes before trump called for them to march on the capitol, using the word peacefully 3 times, stressing that his fight like hell referred to a Verbal fight, aka argument, not physical violence. yet Joe stood behind BLM/Antifa... so... who truely incited physical violence?
both Hilary and Biden have had documents stored illegally, biden as VP, Hilary as Secretary of state. Trump only stored them as president, when he had/has the authority through head of state to declassify any document preceding jan10, 2021, when his term in office ended. so no laws broken, again, by Trump.

I could go on, as there were 89 different legal attacks trump has proven his innocence on. 43 of which Biden is guilty of.

Billy Bob • 1 year ago

*Jackie Chan mind blown meme* sooo Just Ice? Just Ice? Justice for Harambe meant nothing to her?!

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

They seemed to correct that in the end to weeding out what isn't justified as it is easier then explaining what real justice is. In terms a soldier going to war may give excuses to call murdering others justice but it's still just murder. On the contrary it's easier stating murder isn't right and to avoid causing murder. Hence the concept that there is no excuse for the action and injustice and can't use it as term for justice. At least that's what I got out of it.

Taggedin • 1 year ago

I mean, every anime explains that justice is turning a villain into a friend, or through understanding saving someone.

Knighthammer • 1 year ago

DanMachi, Is It Wrong to Try to loot corpses in a Dungeon?

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

Elder Scrolls says no. Of course, Danmachi also has weak humans who soil their undergarments at the sight of a cute little Vouivre. In Skyrim, you can walk around with an armored troll in tow, and if anyone is consumed by fear, then that is their problem.

SIN Scallar • 1 year ago

Nah, it's because one is a game and the other is a story. Also the people who soil their undergarments at the sight of a cute little vouivre are probably the people that understand what kind of monsters they actually are. Don't forget that the "cute little vouivre" we saw in S3 was an anomaly and that there were a ton of other "people who soil their undergarments" actually hunting her down. Just thought I'd clear that up for ya.

PettankoLovingCunnyseur • 1 year ago

Because trolls are comparatively safer monsters? Don't answer that. It was a rhetorical question. Like I said, from a story perspective, there would probably be people who shudder at someone walking about with an armored troll, but again, that is the problem of the common rabble, not the hero of prophecy's.

Kwarevo • 1 year ago

Welf is mvp

Ohms Nuttachai • 1 year ago

Hestia uses Swaying Boobs
It's not effective!

velocipeder999 • 1 year ago

It's not effective cos its against a female type..

Hephaestus Counter with Pay your Debts.
it is extremely effective!

Hestia faint.

Berstich • 1 year ago

I get the joke but really Hephaestus countered with "dont you love your child" or something like that. How cheap did she consider bells life I think it was.

Dazed • 1 year ago

It works, because Hestia herself would never link those two things together. Her love for Bell has nothing to do with her tendency to beg for someone else's generosity.

Thus it hits harder if someone else says that's how it's perceived regardless.

Whoever • 1 year ago

Forging with that imitation of a forge... yeah good luck but ofc he'll make something good

Looting a corpse in a dungeon is a desecration? since when? 😉

Judgment526 • 1 year ago

Meanwhile in Isekai Meikyuu, they be looting corpses like it’s the most natural thing in the world. :p

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

You could say, they did what they wanted and "made no bones about it". XD

BUT there was at least ONE Bone they often paid homage to in that anime, soooo..... XD

Supushan • 1 year ago

in that one the dungeon even helps by swallowing the corpse and leaving only the equipment

Cinnamon toast Crunch • 1 year ago

Ikr looting is like a core part of dungeon exploration

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm really unimpressed with that forge, I mean.....is it REALLY worth carrying that around? This episode would argue yes, but considering it's apparent simplicity it seems little better than what he could do with alot of the surrounding materials they apparently tend to encounter. Additionally, I'm not seeing a great number of features that would make it a very functional forge. (Having made my own knives and swords in the past I feel at least a little qualified to lay a bit of criticism here.)
HOWEVER, I will also admit that there may be a great number of things at work that don't apply to what we might generally have to attend to in our own reality, and thus his forge must be magical in ways unbeknownst to us viewers.

MeguminExplosion • 1 year ago

Guy clearly hasnt played minecraft. The ability to craft is your life blood.

JadeJade • 1 year ago


Jay It moves • 1 year ago

Lmao he doesn't know how life saving 8 cobblestone be,, in the lower floors